Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week Five

Waist; 28 inch
Weight; 108 lbs

He's gained more weight. This is going too slow for my taste. I'll need to feed him more.

Week Four

Waist; 25 in
Weight; 105 lbs

He's put on three more pounds. Nothing visible yet.

Week Three

Waist; 22 inches
Weight; 102 lbs

He put on two pounds. That's a start, though still dissappointing. I'm supprised he hasn't gained at least ten, I stuff him all day.

Week Two

Waist; 20inch
Weight; 100 pounds

My son Antares hasn't gotten any fatter. Doctor says he's very underweight so I'm worried about him. The Doctor says he needs at least thirty more pounds on him.